Hidden Mountain Spiritual / YHWH יהוה Spirit Dirge Celtic Christian Hebrew / Dub Tribal Nature Poetry Praise YHWH יהוה
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Hidden Mountain making a painting
אֶֽהְיֶ֖ה אֲשֶׁ֣ר אֶֽהְיֶ֑ה
’eh-yeh ’ă-šer ’eh-yeh
I AM that which I AM
Video of painting in progress
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direct link to this finished painting
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Praiseאֶֽהְיֶ֖ה אֲשֶׁ֣ר אֶֽהְיֶ֑ה
’eh-yeh ’ă-šer ’eh-yeh
I AM that which I AM
thank you 4 being a friend
(#2 worldwide spiritual musician
on reverb charts)
To all who follow
the LAMB OF YHWH יהוה
bless you in יהושאה מישהיח name!
bless you in יהושאה מישהיח name!
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http://hidden-mountain.artistwebsites.com (paintings)
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http://hiddenmountainmusic.wix.com/hiddenmountainmusic (music web page)
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(t-shirt art designs)
we awake all we take with us are the prayers we make from this sleeping dust"
( I am sending this out
to a gazillion folks
no reply needed )
"Deeply moving, life changing, words, guided by the Holy Spirit, glorifying God, and he inhabits the praises of His people. And if you listen closely, between the lyrics, their is a sound, that ears can't hear, and something else going on besides picking and signing, who has ears to hear, let them hear. But when we have, such an anointed, blessing, from YWHW, as this precious women, amongst us, with these almost hauntingly, yet heavenly, and leaves a person, with a different perspective, and if YWHW be with you, Who could be against you? Thank you, Father for this anointed messenger. She is well received, and loved." Father_And_Son .....rock band
"23 Psalm" beautiful and inspired work Mishel & Tao. Lovely vocals. Chuck Brunicardi , Reverb artist
"'The Whisper of YHWH's Footprints' gently touched a nerve in my Heart!!! :) n' AMEN" the thOught prOvOker.. reverb artist