Sunday, August 27, 2017

Stanley Kubrick Moon Landing Confession (actor ?) part 1

A rumor is this is an actor interview .. because of other out take
edited footage where the interviewer is maybe "helping" to define the
answers.. but Kubrick is old...not "directing"
this...and if it was fake they would have done a better job at faking
it...and (BIG ONE)would have definitely NOT released the edited
"outtakes"..:D ...SO as i often judge things .. who profits? Follow the
money... vid not sold... nobody getting famous.... does not exalt the
gov. lie... that is why i posted... everyone knows he did it.. he stated
it clearly in Shinning movie and Wag the Dog is clearly about it ..If
this is a "HOAX " interview, who paid for it or gained from it? It would
only be fuel for the folks that believe in a cover-up. The filmer and
interviewer gained nothing cause it was not sold nor did their names get
mentioned. If it was the government, it surely serves them no makes folks question every thing Gov. does one perpetuate such a world wide HUGE
LIE?....They get the high ranking folks in the know addicted to child
porn or drugs or blood even (Al Gore )... threaten to kill loved ones
for talking .. BLACK-MALE... I am 3rd generation of family that worked
on secrets with the CIA and FBI.......i know so much from my murdered
mother alone, that I can not even mention..... a lot to think about!

Friday, August 25, 2017

Satellite Engineer speaks out about Flat Earth

#flatearth #christian #satellite #nasa #whistleblower #bible #YHWH #truther

Trump Prophecies in BIBLE CODES

 #trump #flatearth #truth #christian #YHWH #satan #gov #new #hiddenmountain #bible
#messiah #spirit #music #christian #truth #bible #messiah #jesus #YHSHUA #HOLY
#now #praise @HiddenMountain7

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

NASA ENGINEER speaks out about Flat Earth

#flatearth #truth #christian #YHWH #satan #gov #new #hiddenmountain  #bible #messiah

Monday, August 7, 2017

Shepherds Chapel & WATERS ABOVE our Flat Earth !

Please watch as many times as u can for at least 30 seconds.,I make approx $7.00 per week  now on my vids, my only job:D

Sunday, August 6, 2017

FLAT EARTH BIBLE CODE in Haggai 2:6 thru 2: 16

Please watch as many times as u can for about 30 seconds.. i make $7.00 per week on adds my only job

Flat Earth 60 miles video sea level PROOF!

Please watch as many times as u can for about 30 seconds.. i make  about $7.00 per week on adds my only job :D

Shepherds Chapel YHWH's 3 Earth Ages

Please watch as many times as u can for about 30 seconds.. i make  about $7.00 per week on adds my only job :D

Flat Earth 60 miles video sea level PROOF!

Please watch as many times as u can for about 30 seconds.. i make  about $7.00 per week on adds my only job :D

Friday, August 4, 2017

NASA Eclipse Explanation

#flatearth #truth #christian #YHWH #satan #gov #new #hiddenmountain
#eclipse #bible #messiah