Friday, October 4, 2013


Not by flesh and blood but by HIS SPIRIT.. what devil uses for evil..pornography and time wasting.. YHWH PEOPLE USE TO GLORIFY HIM... it can be a building (so called church) or a box of tech crap on ur desk (computer).... it is not about either but what is inside and how u use it.. stay pure in "the world" and do HIS WILL , that is the calling. If any one could leave the "world" that would be me.. over 3 years of not leaving my mountain  a few yrs ago.. no computer/phone/off grid... still it is not about a place.. it is about where our SPIRIT LIVES.. does YHWH abide in you and you in HIM ? All "BE-LIVERS" in the exact spirit blessed space right now in our souls.. united as a family for eternity.. my smiling soul .. that is what is a real meeting place of YHWH.. (church).. where ever our souls meet....mmmmm. The word that is translated to be "church" is the ancient Hebrew word... Kaf-Lamed .. anyway... it sounds like "KAL"...(CALL).. where our modern word for call...comes from.. this study is called "etymology" ... so like i was saying the word that was translated to be "church" was actually the ancient Hebrew word for "called" care to" phone a friend" The "called" no matter where they are are in church.. as our Savior said... know ye not that your BODIES ARE THE TEMPLE OF THE LIVING ELOHIM (god/lord, in English) Ancient "Kal" in Hebrew means "all of".. actually it still does in the modern Hebrew... many are called (all of)...few are "chosen"..(graced to see it).. enjoy your inner sight.. it is a gift. A CALLING!... do you SEE THE WHISPER OF YHWH's FOOTPRINTS?